I decided to stray from my Zip Code series because education has been occupying my mind. Not education in general. My current education at Cape Fear Community College.
After way too many years to admit, I decided to go back to school to finish my degree. I enrolled in the After Hours program at Cape Fear Community College which provides all the courses I need to graduate with a transferable Associate in Arts Degree in just two nights a week. Ask anyone around me and they will tell you how consumed I have been with homework, papers, exams, and one cringe-worthy Spanish video. I push forward by reminding myself that this is a temporary situation. It’s only five semesters total. It will end.
The end really hit me last week when I filed my Intent to Graduate. I still have one semester till graduation in May. But, it’s only One. More. Semester.

2018-2019 CFCC Student Ambassadors
I will miss the CFCC campus. I will miss my fellow Student Ambassadors. I will miss the river view that I have enjoyed whenever I had time to kill between classes. I will miss annoying the traditional age students by making conversation with them which required them to look up from their phones.
My adventure is not completely over. This time next year I hope to be enrolled at a 4-year university working on my Bachelors. But that will be online studies, so I will not have the joy of walking into a classroom full of strangers, going through “introductions” with the instructor and class, looking for a wall mounted pencil sharpener (apparently in danger of extinction), or carrying an actual textbook instead of a laptop.
It is a journey that I highly recommend to anyone who has thought about starting their degree, finishing their degree, or changing careers. It keeps my mind functioning and productive now that I no longer have to apply any algebraic equations to my family chores. (Ya know: If three children each pack a lunch and a snack for school and one child wants an oatmeal cream pie, and two children want microwave popcorn with their Lunchables, then how many Boxtops will I collect?) Ah, good times.
I am thankful I have had this opportunity. I am thankful to my husband for his unwavering support. I am thankful to my friends who have accepted my homework excuse when I have had to decline their invitation for a get together. I am thankful to my now grown children for guiding me through Google Docs, Power Point, and Firestick.
Thankful seems like an understatement.
Kathie Lee
Nolan Formalarie has been in the North Carolina Real Estate Industry for over 8 years and enjoys every minute of it. He is involved in every aspect of the industry including selling and purchasing residential property, home watch services, property management, association management and construction.